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PHRC current by-laws and road rules. Ride safe and have fun too!


Club Motto Ride it hard and ride it strong

ARTICLE I. Objectives

The main objectives of the PINOY HARLEY RIDERS CLUB is to promote safe and responsible motorcycling to our members by organizing family-oriented rides and activities. Participate, promote, and augment activities with national and local organizations, and encourage membership participation among other motorcycling events.

ARTICLE II. Membership

Section 1. Qualifications
The following criteria must be met in order to qualify for membership of the PINOY HARLEY RIDERS CLUB:
a. Must own a Harley Davidson motorcycle (regardless of year and model or any AMERICAN custom motorcycle (HD copy) and must be of Filipino heritage with good moral character.
b. Payment of PINOY HARLEY RIDERS CLUBs one time membership fee and yearly dues.
c. Signature on the Waiver or Liability Release form.

Section 2. Club Membership in Good Standing
Members in good standing must meet the following criteria to be considered an active member with voting rights and privileges:
a. Member who is current with the required membership fees and yearly club dues.
b. Signing of Waiver or Liability Release form.
c. Attend at least two (2) PINOY HARLEY RIDERS CLUB meetings or two (2) club sponsored rides / events per year.

Section 3. One-time Membership Fees and Yearly Dues
The amount of a one-time membership fee of $25.00 and yearly club dues of $25.00 shall be set by the Board of Directors is due on January 1st of each year and shall be valid for a calendar year. A grace period of one month after the due date will be afforded to the general membership. Failure to pay after the grace period by any member shall constitute being dropped from the rolls and considered inactive. New members joining the club at any time of the year shall pay the full one-time membership fee and the yearly dues.

Section 4. Membership Suspension
Conduct of inappropriate and/or undesirable behavior by a member will result in membership suspension or expulsion. The decision to suspend or expel a member shall come solely from the Board of Directors. A review prior to the decision may include an explanation, a defense, and an appeal by all participating parties.
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PHRC By-Laws

Section 5. Non-members
Non-members are allowed to participate in club sponsored events when invited by a PHRC member and does not have to pay any fees.


Section 1. There will be four (4) Board of Directors who will act as the club policy forming body. Their duty is to make decisions covering the organization, safety, welfare, and concurrence of club activities.

A Chairman of the Board will be elected by the Board of Directors whose tenure will be a period of two (2) years. The President of the club shall automatically be the fourth member of this Board.

Section 2. President
The President shall oversee all club meetings and ride activities, uphold the clubs By-Laws and serve as the Clubs representative and liaison between its members and other organization that the club conducts business with.

Section 3. Vice President
The Vice President shall assist the President in carrying out his duties. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume those duties.

Section 4. Secretary
The Secretary shall be responsible for the administrative and clerical needs of the club. The Secretary shall provide and maintain a list of Club officers and provide and distribute any reports on clubs activities.

Section 5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds for the club. He shall provide a written or oral financial statement to the club and its members as needed.

Section 6. Public Relations Officer (PRO)
The PRO serves as a liaison with other motorcycle clubs and organizations, assist all other club officers in conducting public relations activities, and shall organize written materials for the club (i.e. newsletters, press releases, and communique)

Section 7. Road Captains
The Road Captains shall assist in planning all club rides. They are in charge while the club is on the road.

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PHRC By-Laws

Section 8. Standing Committees and Other Officers
Standing committees and other officers may be created, appointed, or elected as needed.

ARTICLE IV. Meetings/Ride Events

Section 1. Meetings
PINOY HARLEY RIDERS CLUB shall have at least one general meeting every other month for a total of 6 meeting per year. The President or any member of the Board of Directors can call a meeting from time to time as needed.

Section 2. Ride Events
Official rides identified in the annual PHRC Ride Schedule allows for only Harley-Davidson (or AMERICAN custom copy) motorcycles ridden by members and pre-approved guests. Non-Harley Davidson motorcycles can be ridden by members and guests on unofficial club rides. Guest riders must sign a liability release form.

Section 3. Notification
The club members shall be notified of general business meetings and/or other meetings and events through the clubs quarterly newsletter, Internet site, e-mail or by telephone. Only PHRC members and pre-approved guests are allowed to attend the general meeting.

ARTICLE V. Elections

Section 1. Elections/Nominations
The nomination and election for all the club officers shall be held at the end of each calendar years meeting (December).

Section 2. Installation of Officers
Installation of new officers will be held each January. In-coming officers shall meet prior to assuming office in order to define and familiarize themselves with their responsibilities.

Section 3. Special Elections
Special elections to fill vacant positions may be called by the Board of Directors as needed.

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PHRC By-Laws

ARTICLE VI. By-Laws Authority

Section 1. Adoption
This document and the general membership shall govern the operation, function, and organization of the PINOY HARLEY RIDERS CLUB. To become effective, this document must be read and distributed to the general membership of the club at a regularly scheduled meeting, be voted on, and accepted by a majority of those members present.

Section 2. Amendments
Amendments to the By-Laws shall be proposed and submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and shall be presented to the general membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. Adoption of the Amendments will require a vote and acceptance of the proposed changes by a 2/3 majority of those members present.

PHRC Rules of the Road (12/15/01)

1. Always be on time for the prescribed appointment. The pack will only give 15 minutes leeway for late arrivals. A $1 penalty will be imposed on anyone who does not make it on time. For example, if we are to meet at 9am in Goldilocks and you get there at 9:05am there will be a $1 penalty. If you get there at 9:20am, the pack will be gone. It is up to you to follow and catch up with the pack. When you meet up with the pack, you will pay a $1 penalty.

2. Fill up your tank before any run. Gas stops will be planned for those bikes with small tanks, but always start out with your tanks topped off and get your gas when the majority is getting refueled. Lets be considerate of others time.

3. The first two bikes in the pack will be the Road Captain and the Alternate Road Captain or Deuce. The last bike in the pack will be the designated Assistant Road Captain or Caboose.

4. We should always have a pre-ride discussion before taking off where are we going, how are we going to get there, where are the stops, who are the road captains, how fast, how slow, what is the terrain freeway/two-lane road-winding-straight-narrow.

5. Riders will be paired in a buddy-system. Your buddy is the rider on your left side ahead of you if you are on the right side of the lane and if you are on the left side of the lane, your buddy is the one on the right side, behind you on the same lane. If your buddy has trouble and pulls out, you are to go with him or her. If he stops to get gas, you stay with him. Vice versa applies. You are responsible for each other. The Caboose will also stop and determine what action has to be taken. If needed, the Road Captain will stop the rest of the group at the next safe spot or the next designated stop.

6. When a turn signal or hand signal is given, each member of the pack will repeat that signal to alert the riders behind you or intended pack movement.

7. The pack will ride in a staggered formation. Leave two seconds of space between riders on the same side of the lane and one second between riders on opposite sides. If the road dictates a single file formation due to difficult surfaces or curvy sections of the road, the Road Captain will indicate the change with a hand signal.

8. On multi-lane highways, the pack will try to stay in one lane. The Road Captain will initiate all lane changes except when the Caboose blocks the free lane from the rear to allow the pack to negotiate a safe lane change maneuver. For example, when entering a freeway, the Road Captain should enter the freeway slowly, allowing others to catch up and assemble as a group quickly. The pack will remain in the slow lane until the group is complete. The Caboose, who knows when the pack is complete, should initiate the lane change, blocking traffic to allow the rest of the pack to merge safely.

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Rules of the Road

a. On the freeway, ride in the lane next to the farthest left lane. For example, on a four-lane highway, lanes are numbered 1 to 4 from left to right. The pack shall ride in lane 2 to allow other vehicles to use the fast lane and enter and exit the highway safely.
b. Maintain a safe speed in accordance with the posted speed limit. Most highways have a maximum speed limit of 70 MPH. The pack shall ride within +/- 5 MPH when it is safe to do so. If higher speed is required, the Road Captain will be the one to initiate it.
c. If a carpool lane is available, the pack should use it, maintaining the prescribed speed of 5 mph above limit.
d. If we are traveling in a large pack, it is recommended to break up the formation into several sections (ex. Six riders per section) to allow room for cars to merge in and out of our selected lane.

9. Always keep on a lookout for escape routes in case of an emergency.

10. If you find yourself doing one or more of the following while riding with the pack:

a. Cannot find the discipline to maintain speed while riding in formation
b. Getting bored
c. Rubberbanding back and forth
d. Checking your cool self through reflection against buildings or cars
e. Looking for phantom loose bolts while speeding down the freeway
f. Smoking and getting ash blown all over yourself
g. Tailgating the guy in front you
h. Counseling or talking with the rider next to you
i. Falling asleep
j. Riding beyond your capabilities because the group is moving too fast

What you need to do is break off the formation safely and leave the pack on
Your own or with your riding buddy or move to the back of the pack where you
can do yourself and other riders a favor. If for whatever reason you are uneasy
riding where you are, fall back and ride in front of the Caboose.

11. Only under extreme circumstances should anyone pass the official Road Captain. Position within the pack must be maintained at all times. Always stay in formation. If you are not the assigned as Road Captain, you have no business directing traffic or telling others how to ride.

12. If a car needs to move through the pack, let the car pass. Extend all road courtesies.

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Rules of the Road

13. Obey all traffic rules. For example, being in a pack does not allow us to run red lights to stay in the pack. On a four-lane road, pass as a pack. On a two-lane road, pass slow moving vehicles one at a time. Park so the entire pack can depart quickly and smoothly in single file without having to back up and turn around.

14. While traveling in areas with heavy traffic conditions and the pack gets separated by traffic lights, the last two riders through the light, shall hold up their hands showing the Road Captain that a part of the pack was left behind. The Road Captain can decide whether to pull the pack over and wait or just move slowly and have the stragglers catch up.

15. The Road Captain may designate meeting or catch up places along the ride route in case the group gets split up.

16. In situations where the pack is separated, the Caboose at the back of the pack will become the Road Captain for the separated pack and will designate a new Caboose who will be aware of the route and stops.

17. Never get on the bike drunk or drugged. Everyone in the club should make pact that we as a group will prevent a fellow rider from hurting himself and others by keeping them off their motorcycle until they are sober.

18. Stops should only be at a predefined site. Only stops for emergencies should be allowed. If you need to break formation for an emergency, signal your buddy so he can accompany you. The rest of the pack should remain in formation and stop only in a safe area for a large group to park.

19. The most important thing is to ride safely. Regardless of what happens that might extend the pack, NEVER take an unsafe or illegal riding maneuver just to stay in the pack. Stay in control, stay cool, and maintain safe riding practices as you rejoin your place in the pack.

Remember folks, the bylaws and road rules are in place in order to promote safety as well as enjoyment while riding in the group.