About Pinoy Harley Rider's Club...

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The Journey so far......

Well, it's been 5 years, and our beloved PHRC has come a long way! From impromptu "short" runs, to the 4 Corners Rally, Las Vegas Rally, Laughlin River Run, Memorial Day Thunder Run, the Filipino Independence Day Celebration in Oxnard, and the Hollister rally, we certainly got some major miles under our PHRC belt!

Not only that, we also managed to link up with the BABOYS (Bay Area Boys MC) in the Bay Area, and linking up with the MAD DOGS MOTORCYCLE CLUB and the Freedom Riders in the Philippines. Yes, we have come along way from the initial meetings in Goldilocks in Cerritos, and there's no looking back!

With all of this in mind, PHRC is currently planning its own official run for 2004! Please join us!

Our Destination

To organize and establish a motorcycle group where Filipino Harley Davidson Owners could meet, exchange ideas, and ride among fellow Kabagbayans. Another way to unify our community in a positive and, most importantly, FUN environment.